Sarah's Birthday!
1 Year!
Family Photos
Ricketts Glen 2005
6 - 12 months
Birth - 6 months
Baby Sarah
Hockey 2005
Cats:Scout & Lucky
Jay & Kerry's Wedding

Sarah 8 months

9 months old

August 2005

Kurt & Gretchen

Sarah is 6 months old on Memorial Day. We celebrate with flowers at Longwood Gardens!

Family hikes

Walking down by the creek in our favorite hiking area.

8 weeks!

November 2004, waiting for Sarah.

During the month of November we walked nearly every day, as we had heard it would bring on labor.

Loren & Anders on our Yosemite Trip April 2004.

Yosemite Waterfall

Dakota Yosemite April 2004

Grandma Ruth!

Ricketts Glenn 2003

Ricketts Glenn 2003
