Sarah's Birthday!
1 Year!
Family Photos
Ricketts Glen 2005
6 - 12 months
Birth - 6 months
Baby Sarah
Hockey 2005
Cats:Scout & Lucky
Jay & Kerry's Wedding

Our 2005 annual trip to Ricketts Glen

Last year was interesting camping & hiking and being 8.5 months pregnant. This year it was even more exciting camping with the "chicken hawk." We all survived and had lots of fun, especially Sarah! She tried eating sticks, grass and even a rock or two and boy did she get dirty!

Daddy & Sarah on top of the Falls


Daddy tries to get Sarah to walk on her own. I don't blame him, 30 pounds is a lot to carry around all day!

Sarah in tent, keeping watch for bears! "Guard, guard, guard!"

Brown Nut Squirrel
