Sarah's Birthday!
1 Year!
Family Photos
Ricketts Glen 2005
6 - 12 months
Birth - 6 months
Baby Sarah
Hockey 2005
Cats:Scout & Lucky
Jay & Kerry's Wedding

9 months

Sarah is 6 months old! We all celebrated by going to Longwood Gardens.

4.5 months

4 months old and over 18 pounds!�� And boy is she a happy girl!� We just love our little girl!

April 2005.

March 2005

Sarah is now 3 & 1/2 months old.� She is tilting the scales at 17 pounds and 7 ounces!� We can hardly believe it!� �Where did all those chubs come from?� She is so much fun, full of smiles and giggles, especially for big brother.

Next time you see Jay ask him to sing the "Presser Foot "song or "Mr Turtle." (I crack-up every time Jay sings those songs!).

Sarah at 3.5 months 17.7 pounds!

Sarah 2 months!Gremlin Baby!

Sarah and Dakota. 3 weeks old. Isn't he the best big brother?!

December 2004

Well she is finally here! And boy did that pregnancy last 2 years, or did it just feel like it? The entire wait was well worth it as she is the sweetest baby.Her father and brother and myself are delighted. We are all doing well and enjoying our time off and sleep deprivation!

I have a few things to say about natural child birth and back labor, but perhaps you should ask me in person. (We don't actually want to put that stuff in print, it would frighten most of you severely!)

New born       Sarah Alexandra November 30, 7:06 AM, 8 pds. 12 oz., 21 inches in length. Here she is at 4 days old!
